
Vibration and crack monitoring system | Saint-Pierre Collector, QUÉBEC
Ground movement monitoring during tunnel excavation | Côte-Vertu Underground Garage, MONTREAL
Real-time monitoring of stress on excavation supports | Transbay Station, SAN FRANCISCO
Geotechnical monitoring for bridge rehabilitation | Alexandra Interprovincial Bridge, OTTAWA-GATINEAU
Long term monitoring of mining site thermal regime | Raglan Mine, NUNAVIK
Vibration and structural integrity monitoring | Normandie Pedestrian Bridge, QUÉBEC
Structural integrity monitoring during bridge rehabilitation | Route 116 Bridge, QUÉBEC
Geotechnical instrumentation of a hydroelectric dam | White River Dam, ONTARIO
Automated instrumentation system for agricultural irrigation | WWCE, ETHIOPIA
Noise and vibration monitoring during water line construction | Pronex Excavation, MONTREAL
Data acquisition system for slope stability monitoring | Labrador City Mine, LABRADOR CITY
Data acquisition system for sedimentation monitoring | Rabbit Lake Mine, SASKTACHEWAN